Outlining TaskUs’s People-First Approach As Shared by TaskUs’s CPO, Rajnish Sinha

Published on March 30, 2022

Traditionally, the welfare of a company’s employees lies within its own control. But what if that same company opts to outsource? Who looks after employee well-being then? Rajnish Sinha, TaskUs’s Chief People Officer, outlines TaskUs’ approach in his interview with the European Business Review.

“TaskUs is proud to cultivate a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment that empowers every person to collaborate and thrive together regardless of age, gender, race, background, and culture; A culture where everyone is committed to creating a positive environment and establishing a space where every employee feels included and supported.”

Sinha further shares that, “We are proud to have a workplace culture that genuinely prioritizes employee wellbeing and engagement. Being a people-first company, investing in employee well-being is a winning proposition…although beyond offering services to employees, it all comes down to embedding a wellness mindset into the company culture and having leaders lead by example.”

Not being able to invest in the wellbeing of team members results in rises in benefits claims regarding mental and physical wellness needs, increases in absenteeism, decreases in productivity, and lower employee satisfaction which can lead to burnout and attrition. 

It is important to take note that being proactive and making resources available to support team members is a clear choice.

Read more here: TaskUs on European Business Review - Outsourcing That Puts People First


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