On-demand Crowd Image and Video Data Collection


On-demand Crowd Image and Video Data Collection

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are taking over the world. AI and ML models are fed with large amounts of information. To reach their full potential, powerful data collection workflows must be implemented to capture and annotate high-quality data. A healthy data pipeline will boost the performance of AI algorithms and help companies scale and optimize the potential of their AI & ML models. 

The data collection process is crucial for developing efficient AI & ML models. Training the models with large amounts of accurately-labeled data will maximize their chances of making accurate predictions.

The Challenge

A client wanted to collect high-quality and distinct data samples to train their AI. They found out that there was a lack of preparation in the data collection process of their AI model training for computer vision. The client needed a Ridiculously Innovative partner who could look beyond existing datasets to acquire large quantities of annotated training data to help their AI models function correctly. Unbiased, diverse, and complex data collection and annotation is labor-extensive; that’s why they turned to Us.

The Answer Is Us

TaskUs stepped in and used crowdsourced data collection to gather unbiased and diverse data for different machine learning models. We launched an object recognition project on TaskVerse to obtain crowdsourced data from different demographic with the following goals in mind:

  • Gather high-quality data
  • Cover people from various demographic groups
  • Ensure all participants comply with the deadline

We take pride in utilizing our robust crowd management platform and specialized crowd operations teams in collecting and annotating large amounts of data for and from many industries. Our people-first culture and holistic approach enabled Us to work efficiently and produce meaningful results.

The Results

With over a decade of data collecting and annotation experience, and our specialized crowd operations teams, we have generated an accurate representation of 25,000 data points across different demographics—9 ethnic groups with varying age groups and genders from 6 other countries.
Download the complete case study, On-demand Crowd Image and Video Data Collection, and learn more about how TaskUs’ AI Services provide excellent data collection by gathering unique data with the help of an object-recognition AI to provide unbiased and diverse data results.


On-demand Crowd Image and Video Data Collection

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    On-demand Crowd Image and Video Data Collection


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