CX Summit Fall 2021

Embedding a Culture of Innovation into Everyone’s DNA

Spark innately human superpowers—imagination and ideation—with Duncan Wardle, former Head of Innovation and Creativity at Disney and CEO/Founder of ID8. Build a culture of inventive thinking.

On Guard: Harnessing Human Expertise and Technology to Protect Online Spaces

Host: Phil Tomlinson, VP of Content Security


  • Carolina Christofoletti, Head of Child Sexual Abuse Materials Research and Investigation Unit, ATII
  • Marlene Bonnelly, Head of Trust & Safety, Linktree
  • Petra Makaremi, VP of Customer Success, Spectrum Labs, Inc.
CX Summit Fall 2021 Content Security, Trust and Safety

In the fight against online harm, there is no magic bullet solution. Neither technology nor human expertise on their own will prevail. It is only through the strategic intersection of smart detection technologies and human expertise that we can win this fight. Our panelists will discuss emerging trends and strategies from their diverse perspectives covering Trust & Safety tech, research, and service providers.

Man with Machine: How Bots are Empowering Employees

Host: Manish Pandya, SVP for Digital


  • Rushabh Parmani, Co-Founder & Executive Vice President, Customer Success & Operations, Automation Anywhere
CX Summit Fall 2021 Digital Innovation and Automation

How does automation make the CX process more human? How does it empower employees? Discover how bots and humans can work together to create a more robust customer experience with Rushabh Parmani, Co-Founder & Executive Vice President, Customer Success & Operations of Automation Anywhere.

HITL: The Importance of Humans in the Process for Training Data Creation

Host: Sean Neighbors, SVP of Client Services


  • Tigran Petrosyan, Co-Founder & CEO, SuperAnnotate
CX Summit Fall 2021 AI Operations

Learn how the convergence of people and tech make for amazing things with Tigran Petrosyan, Co-Founder & CEO of AI firm SuperAnnotate. Deep-dive into the role of human beings as catalysts of positive change through advanced technology.

Pass It On: How Employee Engagement Fosters Customer Engagement

Host: Anca Van Assendelft, Sr. Director for Digital Customer Experience


  • Diane Magers, CCXP, Founder & CEO, Experience Catalysts
CX Summit Fall 2021 Digital CX

In the world of Digital CX, it is all about engagement as much as it is about experience. In fact, customer experience drives engagement – and in turn, engagement drives the customer experience. We could say that these two form an accretive feedback loop with emotional connection at the core. Developing and optimizing this emotional connection then can be considered the “secret sauce” – one that is created, fostered and cultivated by employees (agents and teammates) where their engagement is a key ingredient. In this session we’ll explore the critical components and success factors for driving that employee engagement and dive deeper into why it matters and especially why now.

The Future Is Female: Women Leaders Driving Innovation

Host: Lisa Kelly, VP for Business Development


  • Jan Iceton, Chair of the Board, Smart Works Greater Manchester
CX Summit Fall 2021 Diversity and Inclusion

Why is having gender diversity in leadership roles essential in driving innovation? Transcend stereotypes and uncover the superhuman powers unique to women leaders with Jan Iceton, Smart Work Greater Manchester’s Chair of the Board.

Fireside Chat with Deb Liu, CEO of Ancestry

CX Summit Fall 2021 Fireside Chat with Deborah Liu

Rediscover humanity’s roots with Deborah Liu, CEO at Ancestry; find out how knowing our heritage connects all of us and its profound impact in our lives.