
AI-Powered Personalization for the Media and Entertainment Industry


Data Labeling Services for the Media & Entertainment Industry

Solution Brief

AI-Powered Personalization for the Media and Entertainment Industry

Establishing a prominent online presence today could go a long way for a brand’s success. Companies have started to see the significance social media platforms have in reaching and engaging with their consumers, paving the way for the rise of influencers, content creators, and online personalities1.

As the COVID-19 pandemic increased activity within social media platforms and entertainment services, the media and entertainment industry became all the more involved in the marketing process, bringing tools to content creators that enable them to better reach their audiences and seek collaborations with brands, subsequently driving a platform’s success. Video streaming platforms like TikTok and Snapchat, for example, have content marketplaces where brands can directly access their platforms’ pool of approved creators2.

With only 6% of marketers currently making use of AI capabilities, there is still more opportunity for social media and entertainment services to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology into their tools. AI-powered solutions on Multimedia Search Relevance and Content Recommendation Engines could further improve and simplify the content personalization process, introducing improvements that zero in on Content Identification, Content Creation, Content Distribution, and Content Optimization3.

The demand for a personalized user experience is only expected to increase moving forward. TaskUs’ AI services make Us a key partner in building better-performing machine learning models within social media and entertainment platforms. Through our data evaluation and content classification solutions, we enable accurate delivery of high-quality content at the right time, in the right place, to the right people. Our data evaluation solutions can also:

  • train social media algorithms to deliver relevant, personalized content
  • optimize ad delivery platforms to ensure relevant ad results

To know more about how our data labeling solutions could build better ad delivery and content recommendation within Social Media and Entertainment services, download our solution brief for the Media and Entertainment Industry.

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    Data Labeling Services for the Media & Entertainment Industry


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